Out of the Box Theatre Company

Improvised Theatre from Your Stories  Playback Performers

Out of the Box Theatre Company is a Sydney-based troupe of improvisational performers specialising in the use of playback theatre to spontaneously recreate individuals’ stories and life experiences.

Explore our site to discover more about playback theatre, our performances, and the services we offer.


Next Public Performance

Out of the Box continues its 2024 public performance program with a Sunday afternoon session of stories told and shared at Flightpath Theatre.

Where:  The Flightpath Theatre, 142 Addison Road, Marrickville

Date:      Sunday 4th August 2024

Time:    4pm – 5.30pm: Doors open 3:45pm

Cost:      $25 Full   /   $15 unwaged/senior/child

                Book on-line at https://www.trybooking.com/CTOPA (card fees apply)

or tickets at door (cash payment only)