KV – Timor

They [the actors] displayed extraordinary inventiveness, empathy, understanding, imagination and co-operation. And they were funny when appropriate. This kind of theatre takes courage…… I applaud their commitment and energy. And their professionalism.

STARS – Leichhardt

The actors captured the ‘moments’ and presented the feelings and experiences of each person’s story. Well done!

ACPM – Jan

Extraordinary performance! Nothing but praise from audience. We all want to do it again and  again! 

SFN – Sharon McG

I want to acknowledge your group’s generosity in performing for us and your talent for creating a phrase or image that really resonated with the story tellers and the audience. 

DAN Conference

Really enjoyed the longer story…for me it was one of those ‘moments’ – well done!

Jarvis Bay – Graeme

The people involved in the campaign and the broader audience were thoroughly entertained and inspired by the performance.

Burwood Youth

Your experience and training in the dramatic arts have been an invaluable resource.  It is a testament to your dedication that you are willing to share your skills with young people and help in the development of their character.


OWN – Pauline

By connecting so intimately with their audience these players create a field of energy rather than a spectacle to be witnessed.  The constant conversation between player and audience makes the very air around us move with story and laughter and music and emotion,


Jarvis Bay – Pam

I loved working with such positive, professional, and efficient people – excellent skills and attitudes.  A real pleasure. Thank You.

Temple Emanuel – Purim

The experience of Playback itself was extraordinary. The whole evening was a journey, beginning with trust, moving to storytelling, arriving at insights, and being left with a sense of wonder.